Small & simple things, bring about great things.
Hi, I’m Tonya Wirfs. I am a Habits & Mindset Coach, Podcast Host of 5 Minute Habits for Mom, Speaker, Doula, Wife and Mom of 5 beautiful kiddos. Most importantly I am a daughter of God.
I spent many years struggling through motherhood feeling like I would never get my house in order no matter how hard I tried. I got tired of going to bed at night with an endless to do list running through my head only to wake up with more added to it.
I thought I needed to hustle and go big or go home and I kept feeling like a failure. I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted, until……
I began to learn how to grow slow at God's pace.
As I embraced habits that brought me closer to God, I learned how to conserve my mental energy through brain dumping and prioritizing my to do list, planning my next day the night before (IN PENCIL- because flexibility is key) with time blocking and being consistent in my morning and evening time with God, and life began to become more enJOYable.
Instead of setting a goal and buckling down in the grind to meet it, I envision what I want and ask God “What is my next step? And then I enjoy the journey.
Simple, sustainable, consistent and most importantly doable in my family and in my business.
The best part is that I get to help other moms do this to through the power of 5 Minute Habits!
Are you ready to let go of the hurried pace and grow slow with me?
Here are some fun facts about me!

I LOVE to read personal growth and classic books!

I also LOVE time in nature with my family.

I love to watercolor, journal and crochet.
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